
Has there been any damage during the rental?

The damage has been done, but how do you react now as a renter?


If damage has occurred to the boat during your rental period, we always recommend that the problem be resolved internally between you and your boat owner. The process will be considerably faster if the matter can be resolved internally.

If you cannot reach an agreement or for some other reason want Boatflex to intervene in the case, the damage must be reported to us by the boat owner within four days. In such a case, we will act as a mediator and try to reach the fairest assessment of the case. Boatflex reserves the right to have the last word in the matter, if we have been requested as a mediator.


Do you recognize yourself as the person liable for damages?

In this case, the problem is basically solved internally. 

If you recognize yourself as responsible for the damage, then ask the boat owner for a price for what it will cost to repair the damage. After this, it can be agreed that Boatflex withdraws all or some of the deposit on the boat.

If the price to repair the damage exceeds the deposit on the boat, the boat owner (and you) will make an assessment as to whether it would be best to use boat owner’s insurance. If the cheapest solution is for the boat owner's insurance to be used, you as the claimant must pay the deductible.


Do you not recognize yourself as liable for damages?

Has damage occurred during your rental period, but you do not think you are responsible?

If you do not identify yourself as responsible for the damage, can you briefly describe the incident and would be happy to attach pictures if possible. Send it to support@boatflex.com.

We will know review the case and are try to resolve the issue as best as possible for all parties.

The assessment of the case will be made on the basis of the submitted material and documentation that Boatflex receives from the respective parties in the case.